miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013


The product that identifies Colombia is the coffee. The Colombian coffee is delicious because of its quality, smell, market, innovation, recognition, image, advertising, brand and competitiveness. In this article we are going to talk about its history, how it is in the present and how we think it will in the future.

In 1927 a group of Colombian coffee growers met to form a new organization: The National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia – FNC. It aims to improve the quality of life of families and farming communities through the promotion of coffee from Colombia to the world.  Juan Valdez is a character created in 1959, to represent the dedication of more than 500.000 Colombian coffee growers and their families who have dedicated their lives to the cultivation and care of the coffee bean. Juan Valdez made his first television appearance in 1983. In 2005, Juan Valdez was chosen, from 26 participants, as the most important advertising Icon in the United States by the magazine week in New York.


       In 1927 the National Federation of coffee Growers was created.

 In 1980 Juan Valdez, created the logo ingredient 100% coffee from Colombia.

In 2002, Juan Valdez is positioned as a brand of coffee products with a high added value.

In this moment the company Juan Valdez represents the values of the Colombian Coffee Growers and it is strongly committed to the community and environment. The coffee shops reached that the coffee growers had a major participation in the coffee market. Juan Valdez is chosen currently as the most important icon in the US. In recent years the promoter of coffee from Colombia (Procafecol SA) owner of the brand, has developed new products using the image of Juan Valdez. The business unit Juan Valdez coffee shops is currently consolidated in Colombia, USA and Spain.

In the future the company Juan Valdez will open in the next years new shops in different countries like Mexico, Panamá, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela and middle east. It will export more coffee, because more people will work in the Company. It will continue positioning as one of the most recognized coffee enterprises in the world.                                        

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